Temperance Mark Installation 2024
Temperance Mark Lodge, No 774 held their Installation meeting on 20th February at Woolton Golf Club. In attendance was the Deputy PGM, WBro Giles Berkley who was accompanied by two DC’s, WBro Arthur Robinson and WBro Terry Dickenson. The PGM’s Special Rep for the Liverpool group of Mark and RAM lodges, WBro Steve Walls also attended with his new Deputy, WBro Sandy Kean. Another Special Rep was also there, WBro Steve Lyon. Steve was recently appointed Special Rep for the Garston Group. Rounding off the Special rep’s team was Deputy Special Rep WBro Steve McNee of the Warrington Group.
Giles Berkley & Rob James
The Installing Master, WBro Derek Gaskell teed the meeting off on time. With the Lodge opened there was an In Memoriam for WBro David Winder, G.Stwd, RAMGR, APGM; WBro Derek Gaskell encouraged the members to read the tribute to WBro David Winder that is on the West Lancs Mark website. WBro Gaskell also reminded members of Temperance Mark Lodge that it was the day after last year’s Installation that Lodge stalwart, WBro Fred Hulse passed to higher service.
Giles Berkley & Rob James & Steve Walls
The meeting stood to remember departed merit. The Installing Master then hit par on the next items on the summons before WBro Arthur Robinson, Prov GDC entered and announced that the Deputy PGM, WBro Giles Berkley wished entry. WBro Giles Berkley was welcomed and offered the gavel. Before the Installation ceremony, WBro Derek Gaskell brought a short update on the health of the WM, WBro Doug Lace and gave Doug’s thanks to the members for their support over the last couple of years.
Derek Gaskell Joins in
Then the ADC, WBro Steve Lyon, presented the Master Elect, Bro Rob James to the Installing Master for Installation. After the first part had been completed and the brethren below the rank of WM had retired, WBro Gaskell efficiently installed the Master Elect and presented him with the Keystone Jewel. With the return of the brethren, WBro Rob James was proclaimed Master of Temperance Mark Lodge and the new offices were appointed. The addresses were given by WBro Derek Gaskell to the Master; WBro Andy Whittle to the Wardens and WBro Graham Sinden to the Overseers. Both these addresses were delivered with panache. It was then the turn of WBro Giles Berkley who gave the address to the Brethren in his usual relaxed and faultless style.
All in
With the Installation ceremony over it was time for the WBro Giles Berkley to bring the congratulations of RWBro Keith Beardmore to WBro Rob James on taking the chair for the first time and to WBro Derek Gaskell for the ceremony. Before the Deputy PGM could sit back down in his seat, WBro Rob James presented him with a cheque for charity, which was gratefully received.
Even more joining in!
At the festive board WBro Giles was doing such a fine job in selling the new Mark and RAM ties he was asked if he had a hawkers licence?  In response to his toast WBro Giles Berkley again congratulated WBro Rob James for taking the chair of the Lodge. WBro Giles also invited the WM to Provincial Grand Lodge to be held in Blackpool on 2nd May. During his reply, the Deputy PGM emphasized the need for recruitment and gave several practical examples of how to go about it. We wish Temperance Mark Lodge, and their new Worshipful Master, WBro Rob James a happy and successful year ahead.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell.